Review Questions : 1. What is measurement ? What are the two basic requirements of any measurement? 2. List the advantages of an electronic measurement.
measurement of any quantity plays very important role not only in science but
in all branches of engineering, medicine and in almost all the human day to day
activities. The technology of measurement is the base of advancement of
science. The role of science and engineering is to discover the new phenomena,
new relationships, the laws of nature and to apply these discoveries to human
as well as other scientific needs. The science and engineering is also
responsible for the design of new equipments. The operation, control and the
maintenance of such equipments and the processes is also one of the important
functions of the science and engineering branches. All these activities are
based on the proper measurement and recording of physical, chemical,
mechanical, optical and many other types of parameters.
measurement means, to monitor a process or a operation and using an instrument,
express the parameter, quantity or a variable in terms of meaningful numbers.
Such a measurement gives in depth knowledge of the process and the parameter
and helps in further modifications, if required. Thus the measurement provides
us with a means of expressing a natural phenomena or the various processes, in
quantitative terms. The feedback information is possible with the help of
measurement techniques, which helps in achieving goals and objectives of
various engineering processes and systems.
measurement of a given parameter or quantity is the act or result of a
quantitative comparison between a predefined standard and an unknown quantity
to be measured.
the result to be meaningful, there are two basic requirements :−
The comparison standard is accurately defined and commonly accepted, and
The procedure and the instrument used for obtaining the comparison must be provable.
major problem with any measuring instrument is the error. Hence, it is
necessary to select the appropriate measuring instrument and measurement
procedure which minimises the error. The measuring instrument should not affect
the quantity to be measured.
Key Point The measuring
instrument may be defined as a device for determining the value or magnitude of
a quantity or variable.
electronic instrument is the one which is based on electronic or electrical
principles for its measurement function. The measurement of any electronic or
electrical quantity or variable is termed as an electronic measurement.
advantages of an electronic measurement are
Most of the quantities can be converted by transducers into the electrical or
electronic signals.
An electrical or electronic signal can be amplified, filtered, multiplexed,
sampled and measured.
The measurement can easily be obtained in or converted into digital form for
automatic analysis and recording.
The measured signals can be transmitted over long distances with the help of
cables or radio links, without any loss of information.
Many measurements can be carried either simultaneously or in rapid succession.
Electronic circuits can detect and amplify very weak signals and can measure
the events of very short duration as well.
Electronic measurement makes possible to build analog and digital signals. The
digital signals are very much required in computers. The modem development in
science and technology are totally based on computers.
Higher sensitivity, low power consumption and a higher degree of reliability
are the important features of electronic instruments and measurements.
for any measurement, a well defined set of standards and calibration units is
essential. This chapter provides an introduction to different types of errors
in measurement, the characteristics of an instrument and different calibration
Key Point The physical,
chemical, electrical quantity, property, process, variable or a condition to be
measured is referred as measurand.
various physical measurands are pressure, level, force, strain, velocity, etc. while
the important electrical measurands are voltage, current, power and frequency.
Review Questions
1. What is measurement
? What are the two basic requirements of any measurement?
2. List the advantages
of an electronic measurement.
Measurements and Instrumentation: Unit I: Concepts of Measurements : Tag: : Advantages of Electronic Measurement - Introduction
Measurements and Instrumentation
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