Microprocessors and Microcontrollers: AU Solved Paper

AU Solved Paper - 57322 - set 10

Semester-V (EEE)

Microprocessors and Microcontrollers: AU Solved Paper

AU Solved Paper - 57322


Microprocessors & Microcontrollers

Semester-V (EEE) - Regulation 2013


Time: Three Hours]

[Maximum: 100 Marks


Answer ALL Questions

PART A (10 × 2 = 20 Marks)


Q.1 What is the function of program counter in 8085 microprocessor? (Refer Q.24 of chapter 1)

Q.2 Mention the purpose of SID and SOD lines. (Refer Q.5 of chapter 1)

Q.3 What is the recursive procedures? (Refer Q.5 of chapter 3)

Q.4 Define stack and stack related instructions. (Refer section 2.2.5)

Q.5 Explain the operating mode 0 of 8255 ports. (Refer Q.2 of chapter 8)

Q.6 List the features of 8051 microcontroller. (Refer section 14.2)

Q.7 What are the internal devices of a typical DAC. (Refer section 13.2)

Q.8 What are the features used mode 2 in 8255 ? (Refer Q.5 of chapter 8)

Q.9 Write a program to find 2's complement using 8051. (Refer Example 15.10.6)

Q.10  How a keyboard matrix is formed in keyboard interface? (Refer section 17.1.2)


PART B (5 × 16 = 80 Marks)

Q.11 a) Explain with a neat block diagram the architecture of 8085 microprocessor. (Refer section 1.2)  [16]


b) i) Describe the interrupts of 8085 microprocessor. (Refer section 4.2.2)

ii) Explain the Timing diagram of STA 526 АH. (Refer Example 5.4.2)

Q.12 a) i) Compare memory mapping and I/O mapping technique in 8085. (Refer section [8]

ii) Write an assembly language program to sort numbers in ascending order. (Refer lab experiment 3.1.7) [8]


b) i) Write a program to output square wave of 1 kHz frequency on the SOD pin of 8085 for 5 seconds. (Refer lab experiment 12.1.2) [8]

ii) Describe the categories of instructions used for data manipulations in 8085 microprocessor. (Refer sections 2.2.2, 2.2.3 and 2.2.4) [8]

Q.13 a) i) Explain the vectored interrupts in 8051 microcontroller. (Refer section 17.7.2) [8]

ii) Explain the different addressing modes of 8051 microcontroller. (Refer section 15.1) [8]


b) Explain with a neat block diagram the architecture of 8051 microcontroller. (Refer section 14.3) [16]

Q.14 a) i) Draw and explain the functional block diagram of 8254 timer. (Refer section 10.2) [8]

ii) Draw and explain the functional block diagram of 8251. (Refer section 11.4)


b) With neat diagram, explain the architecture and features of 8279 keyboard display controller. (Refer sections 12.3 and 12.5) [16]

Q.15 a) Explain with a neat diagram the closed loop control of servo motor using microcontroller. (Not in new syllabus) [16]


b) A switch is connected to pin P2.7, write a ALP to monitor the statues of switch and perform the following: [16]

i) is sw = 0 stepper motor moves clockwise

ii) if sw = 1 stepper motor counter clockwise. (Refer Example 17.4.3)

Microprocessors and Microcontrollers: AU Solved Paper : Tag: : Semester-V (EEE) - AU Solved Paper - 57322 - set 10