Microprocessors and Microcontrollers: AU Solved Paper

AU Solved Paper 80378 - set 11

Semester - VI (EEE)

Microprocessors and Microcontrollers: AU Solved Paper

AU Solved Paper 80378


Microprocessors & Microcontrollers

Semester-V (EEE) - Regulation 2013


Time: Three Hours]

[Maximum: 100 Marks


Answer ALL Questions

PART A - (10 × 2 = 20 Marks)

Q.1 Write an 8085 assembly program to add two digit BCD numbers in memory locations 5000 H and 5001 H and store the result in memory location 5002 H. (Refer lab experiment 3.4.1)

Q.2 List out the machine cycles for executing the instruction MVI A, 34 H. (Refer Q.6 of chapter 5)

Q.3 Classify the addressing modes of 8085 microprocessor. (Refer section 2.3)

Q.4 What is the function of the CALL instruction? (Refer section 2.2.6)

Q.5 Explain the interrupts of 8051 microcontroller. (Refer section 16.7)

Q.6 What is the the significance of PSEN and EA pin in 8051 microcontroller? (Refer section 14.4)

Q.7 Draw the command word format of 8255 in I/O mode. (Refer section 8.5)

Q.8 List some of the features of 8259 Programmable Interrupt controller. (Refer section 9.2)

Q.9 What is the use of PSW? (Refer Q.42 of chapter 14)

Q.10 Mention any four data transfer instructions of 8051 microcontroller. (Refer section 15.3)


PART B (5 × 16 80 Marks)

Q.11 a) i) Draw the timing diagram for I/O read and Write Machine cycles. (Refer section 5.4.4) [8]

ii) Draw the interfacing diagram to interface 8085 with 2 KB RAM and 4 KB EPROM. (Refer similar Example 6.4.4) [8]


b) Explain the Architecture of 8085 microprocessor with a neat block diagram. (Refer section 1.2)  [16]

Q.12 a) i) Explain the logical instructions with examples. (Refer section 2.2.3) [8]

ii) Write an 8085 Assembly program to convert a Hexadecimal number to ASCH code. (Refer lab experiment 3.3.5) [8]

b) Write an 8085 Assembly language program to multiply two numbers in memory 19 locations 4200 and 4201 and store the product in memory locations 4202 and 4203. (Refer lab experiment 3.1.3) [16]

Q.13 a) i) Explain the interrupt structure of 8051 microcontroller. (Refer section 16.7) [8]

ii) Explain the RAM structures of 8051 microcontroller. (Refer section 14.5.1) [6]


b) Explain the I/O ports of 8051 microcontroller in detail. (Refer section 16.1) [16]

Q.14 a) i) Explain the working of 8254 timer with a neat block diagram and its command word format. (Refer sections 10.2 and 10.3)  [8]

ii) Explain the working of 8259 with a neat block diagram. (Refer section 9.3) [8]


b) Explain the working 8279 as a keyboard/display controller and explain its command registers and their functions. (Refer sections 12.6 and 12.7) [16]

Q.15 a) Explain the washing machine control using 8051 and write program for the same. (Not in new syllabus) [16]


b) Explain the interfacing of four digit 7 segment display to 8051 and its program. (Refer section 17.2.2) [16]

Microprocessors and Microcontrollers: AU Solved Paper : Tag: : Semester - VI (EEE) - AU Solved Paper 80378 - set 11