Microprocessors and Microcontrollers: AU Solved Paper

AU Solved Paper - 6

Semester - VI (EEE)

Microprocessors and Microcontrollers: AU Solved Paper

AU Solved Paper


Microprocessors & Microcontrollers

Semester - VI (EEE)


Time: Three Hours]

[Maximum Marks: 100


Answer ALL Questions

PARTA (10 × 2 = 20 Marks)

Q.1 What are the various flags used in 8085 ?

(Refer Two Marks Q.26 of Chapter - 1)

Q.2 What is ALE? (Refer section 1.3.3)

Q.3 What are the different addressing modes of 8085 ? (Refer Two Marks Q.12 of Chapter - 2)

Q.4 What are the instructions associated with a subroutine? (Refer Two Marks Q.31 of Chapter-2)

Q.5 What is the need for 8259 PIC? (Refer section 9.1)

Q.6 What are the basic modes of operations of 8255 ? (Refer Two Marks Q.1 of Chapter - 8)

Q.7 What is instruction pipelining? (Refer Two Marks Q.4 of Chapter - 13)

Q.8 What is the purpose of overflow flag in 8051 microcontroller? (Refer section 14.3.5)

Q.9 Mention the interrupts of 8051 microcontroller. (Refer Two Marks Q.12 of Chapter - 16)

Q.10 LED is connected to pin P0.7, write an assembly program to toggle the LED forever. (Refer example 17.2.1)


PART B (5 × 16 = 80 Marks)

Q.11 a) Draw and explain the architecture of 8085. (Refer section 1.2) [16]


b) Explain the interrupt structure of 8085 microprocessor. (Refer section 4.2) [16]

Q.12 a) Discuss in detail about the 8085 instruction set, explaining about the various types of operations. (Refer section 2.2) [16]

b) Write an assembly language program with its output to add two 16 bit numbers two 16 bit num. using 8085. (Refer Lab expt: 2.5.5) [16]

Q.13 a) Explain the 8255 PPI architecture with different modes by neat sketch. (Refer sections 8.3 and 8.4) [16]


b) With neat diagram, explain the architecture and features of 8279 keyboard/display controller. (Refer sections 12.3 and 12.5) [16]

Q.14 a) Discuss about the Timers in 8051 with suitable examples. (Refer section 16.3) [16]


b) Discuss the addressing modes of 8051 microcontroller with suitable examples. (Refer section 15.1) [16]

Q.15 a) Write an 8051 C program that continuously gets a single bit of data from P1.7 and sends it to P1.0, while simultaneously creating a square wave of 200 us period on pin P2.5. Use timer 0 to create the square wave. Assume that XTAL = 11.0592 MHz. (Refer Example 16.6.10) [16]


b) A switch is connected to pin P2.7. Write a ALP to monitor the status of SW and perform the following.

i) If SW = 0, the stepper motor moves clockwise

ii) If SW = 1, the stepper motor moves counter clockwise. (Refer Example 17.4.3) [16]

Microprocessors and Microcontrollers: AU Solved Paper : Tag: : Semester - VI (EEE) - AU Solved Paper - 6