Microprocessors and Microcontrollers: AU Solved Paper

AU Solved Paper set - 3

Semester - VI (EEE)

Microprocessors and Microcontrollers: AU Solved Paper

AU Solved Paper


Microprocessors & Microcontrollers

Semester - VI (EEE)


Time: Three Hours]

[Maximum Marks: 100


Answer ALL Questions

PART - A (10 × 2 = 20 Marks)

Q.1 What is trap interrupt and its significance ? (Refer section 4.2)

Q.2 Define the function of parity flag and zero flag in 8085. (Refer section 1.2.1)

Q.3 What are the types of addressing mode in 8085 microprocessor? (Refer section 2.3)

Q.4 What is the use of branching instructions? Give example. (Refer section 2.2.6)

Q.5 What are the applications of D/A converter interfacing with 8255 ? (Refer section 13.3)

Q.6 What is keyboard interfacing? (Refer section 12.1)

Q.7 What are the main features of 8051 microcontroller? (Refer section 14.2)

Q.8 Draw the flowchart for programming of serial port of 8051. (Refer section 16.6)

Q.9 What is program status word of 8051 ? (Refer section 14.3.5)

Q.10 What are the applications of 8051 microcontroller? (Refer section 14.1)


PART B (5 x 16 = 80 Marks)

Q.11 a) i) Explain with a neat block diagram the architecture of 8085 microprocessor. (Refer section 1.2) [12]

ii) Draw the pin diagram of 8085 microprocessor. (Refer section 1.3) [4]


b) i) Describe the different types of interrupts used in 8085 microprocessor. (Refer section 4.2) [8]

ii) Draw the timing diagram of opcode fetch machine cycle and I/O read cycle. (Refer section 5.4) [8]

Q.12 a) i) Describe the addressing modes of 8085 microprocessor with suitable instructions. (Refer section 2.3) [8]

ii) Describe with a suitable example the operation of stack. (Refer section 2.2.5) [8]


b) i) Describe with suitable examples the data transfer, loading and storing instructions. (Refer section 2.2.1) [8]

ii) Write an assembly language program for arranging an array of 8 - bit unsigned number in ascending order. (Refer section 2.5) [8]

Q.13 a) i) Describe the comparison of I/O mapped and memory mapped I/O interfacing. (Refer section [6]

ii) Explain with a neat diagram the interfacing of 8251 to 8085 microprocessor. (Refer section 11.8) [10]


b) i) Draw and explain the functional block diagram of 8259 programmable interrupt controller. (Refer section 9.3) [8]

ii) Draw and describe the interfacing of A/D and D/A converter interfacing to 8085 microprocessor. (Refer sections 13.3 and 13.6)

Q.14 a) Explain with a neat block diagram the architecture of 8051 microcontroller. (Refer section 14.3) [16]


b) i) Explain the different operating modes of timer in 8051 microcontroller. (Refer section 16.4) [8]

ii) Explain program memory interfacing in 8051 microcontroller. (Refer section 14.6.1)

Q.15 a) i) Explain the stepper motor control using 8051. (Refer section 17.4) [8]

ii) Write a program to generate pulses to derive and for continuous operation of a stepper motor. (Refer section 17.4) [8]


b) Explain with a neat diagram the application of 8051 microcontroller in washing machine control. (Not in new syllabus) [16]

Microprocessors and Microcontrollers: AU Solved Paper : Tag: : Semester - VI (EEE) - AU Solved Paper set - 3